Friday, April 6, 2007

Paper Mill: Delaying the inevitable?

So its been reported that Paper Mill Playhouse will not close Friday. Donations were impressive, but not enough until two real estate firms guaranteed loans totaling $3 million, which should be enough to finish the season.

Bravo for those fine artists, administrators and staff who will not lose their jobs. And with "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and "Pirates," Paper Mill will get to stage two of the biggest potential box-office draws of the season. So maybe this thing can be turned around.

But, as previously reported, the theater's problems have existed for years and have yet to be addressed. So we have to ask, and we should discuss: Are these loans merely delaying the inevitable? Are donors and bank officers throwing good money after bad? Has Paper Mil's ime come and gone? Should we just let the old lady die a dignified death rather than incurring millions more in debt?

Well, what do you think?

Happy holidays to all. I'll be enjoying a rare theater-free weekend and will be watching the Masters. Tiger Woods--now there's a man who knows something about drama, although comedy still seems to elude his grasp.


Ric said...

I don't think the old lady should be put to sleep, but I do think she needs better fiscal hands on her reins. It's been many years of terrible management.

William Westhoven said...

Bad management as well as the Disney-financed revival of Broadway and the opening of NJ Pac, which diverts ticket sales as well as donations. One thing is for sure -- it will take some bold and drastic moves to right the ship. Arguments about bad management aside, that ship is sailing in some stormy waters.