Friday, January 25, 2008

Over the Hump Day

Last night I "put to bed," as we say in the biz, Part II of the Daily Record Forecast section, which coincided with my three-month anniversary back in Parsippany. An eventful 90 days, to say the least. Very busy, very exciting, very challenging.

Tonight, I'm at the Bickford. Sunday at Paper Mill. Saturday, I'm off for the first time since Jan. 5. I can kick back, play Internet poker, watch movies on the DVR.


TV sports are light in the Superbowl 'tween weekend. But I'm that rare bird that watches golf on TV, and both Tiger and Phil are back swinging.

Might even go hit a bucket of balls if the weather's cooperating. Try out that new driver I got for Christmas.

Life is good, is what I'm saying.

So why am I writing this at five in the morning?

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