Sunday, November 25, 2007

North Plainfield H.S. grad at Centenary

Still trying to adjust to new schedules (I'm moonlighting on the copy desk at night these days) but I was in Hackettstown last night for "We're No Angels" at Centenary College's Equity professional company, Centenary Stage company.
Casts there typically include a handful of Equity pros and Centenary students, and I thought my Central Jersey readers would like to know that Kate Billard, a 2007 grad of North Plainfield High School, plays a featured role.
You'll get the review preview withing 24 hours, but I'll say now she does fine and the show is pretty good. That's 2 in a row for Centenary, which is having a pretty good year in my estimation.

Leaf raking this morning, football this afternoon, turkey leftovers tonight. And some theater the night before. A new professional challenge continues on Monday--much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, although I wouldn't mind regifting the leaves.

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