Here's an interesting item from one of the state's most interesting companies, 12 Miles West, which is on the move again, this time to share space with Playwrights Theatre in Madison.
Sounds like good fit, since both favor cutting-edge content (although Playwrights is more of a developing theater, while 12 Miles West favors revivals of works off the beaten Broadway path) and both have similar-sized audiences.
Bad for the Montclair/Bloomfield area, but good for Willie, who hopefully will get to see more of their shows now that they are 12 miles or so closer to my Parsippany home. And good for you readers, who will read all about them here.
I've only seen a few of their shows, but have liked them all. I'll blog another time about the review I wrote of a play there that was killed by the editor because he felt the play's content was too provocative for his "family newspaper." But don't get me started now.
In the meantime, here's the release, Read all about it.
12 Miles West of Where?
The landscape of New Jersey’s theater scene is shifting again. What once was 12 miles west of Manhattan and only three short years ago became 10.5 miles west is now defying the laws of geography. 12 Miles West Theatre Company, the award-winning professional theater company started in Montclair in 1992, has packed up and moved out of its most recent home in Bloomfield. "When we first moved into the old Center Theatre in Bloomfield (most recently a Roberts Lost Picture Show movie theater and still owned by Roberts-GEH) in August of 2004, it was with the intent of purchasing the building and establishing a permanent home for our company," says Artistic Director for 12 Miles West Lenny Bart. According to Bart, after the company had completed all the necessary steps towards the purchase including an appraisal, structural, environmental and mechanical inspections and an architectural plan for the renovation of the building, reached an agreed price, and arranged very favorable private financing from a local developer, in a sudden and surprising turn of events the landlord withdrew the offer. With the option to purchase the building off the table, the Board of 12 Miles West knew the burdens of its "triple net" lease structure would quickly sound the death knell of this small, not for profit organization and so negotiated to terminate the lease with its landlord as of September 15. The company, although deeply concerned about the impact this news will have on its patrons and the surrounding community, felt publicly announcing this decision prior to signing the agreement might jeopardize negotiations.
So where will "12 Miles West" be on the map next? Well, a bit more than 12 miles west of Manhattan even as the crow flies. The theater is in the final stages of negotiation with Playwrights Theatre in Madison to use their space for two main stage shows in the Spring of 2008 and a holiday radio play in December of this year. The theater will be announcing the titles shortly. "We’re so grateful for the incredible support of John Pietrowski and Playwrights for opening their doors to us, our major donors including the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, and organizations such as the New Jersey Theatre Alliance who believe in 12 Miles West and what we do. They recognize the need to help us, particularly during what could be a difficult time of transition, so that we can continue to present the award-winning productions of new and lesser known works for which we’ve come to be known," says Gloria Falzer, Development Director and Treasurer for the company.
Although the details are still under wraps, Mr. Bart indicates the company is in negotiations to become the anchor tenant in a new arts facility back in the area of "12 miles west" on the map where they hope to be in residence in time for the start of the 2008-09 Season in September 2008. "I know it may sound odd, but I see this as a time of great opportunity for our Company," says Mr. Bart. Over the past several years, the company’s programming had grown to present Guest Artists and special events nearly every weekend which although exhilarating artistically had lead to a staggering workload for the company’s handful of employees. Clearly the driving force behind the Company, Bart’s enthusiasm is infectious, "this will give us a chance to catch our breath, re-energize our Company, and focus on what we do best—present great theater. We hope our large family of friends and artists who supported us in Montclair and Bloomfield will join us on this journey, and we look forward to welcoming new audience members from around the state."
About 12 Miles West
12 Miles West Theatre Company is an award-winning, not-for-profit professional resident theater company dedicated to presenting high quality productions for the enrichment of the local and regional community with an emphasis on original and lesser-known works as well as innovative interpretations of classic plays. The company also endeavors to identify and support New Jersey artists, specifically by creating a resident company and providing them with a home where they can grow artistically by creating, developing and performing exciting dramatic productions in a viable and nurturing environment.
Programming at 12 Miles West is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts and a generous grant from The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and through the support of the New Jersey Theatre Alliance.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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